A Little Help with Voice of the Customer Research, If You Please…

I am asking for your help.  Yes, I know I am always asking – but this could actually be interesting for you as well.

I am working with Attensity on a  research report on Voice of the Customer.  We are trying to find out what is the current status, where we are going in the next couple of years, and what we shall expect to see, and invest in, going forward.  We created a short 96-question survey, which I will later parse, put through the analytical engine and give back to those who participate in the form of a research report.

We have been collecting answers from self-professed Voice of the Customers practitioners and consultants for the past 2 weeks, we have somewhere shy of 500 responses – but I’d like to get more.  As many as I can get, the more we get the easiest it will be to slive-dice-puree-and-analyze.  Would you please help me by taking this short 96-question survey?  I am posting the link at the end of this post.

If you are a VoC practitioner – won’t you please take this survey? When you do, you can qualify for a drawing for an iPad.  Promise you, no kidding you, honestly.

Thanks very much in advance – oh, almost forgot… the survey is just 18 questions, not 96.

(Did you see what I just did there? I managed your expectations and increased the likelihood you would take the survey by reducing the number of questions – both at the same time, genius – pure genius).

Link to the survey.

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